DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Take Responsibility

I have come a far way from the near 300 lbs. girl I used to be. I have tried things, only to fail, got up, and tried something else until I found something that worked for me. Until recently, though, the one thing I lacked was responsibility. I am the only person responsible for where I am today, health wise. I am the one that made poor choices, I am the one who opted not to workout, I am the one that let myself get riddled with diseases. Granted genetics plays a part in those illnesses, my poor health and exercise choices pushed me far down that path, when I could have made healthier choices to not get me there quite so quickly. The bottom line, is that you are the only person responsible for where you are today. You, and only you, can make the changes that need to be made to better yourself, or push yourself further into that dark abyss. I cannot get off the couch and do the workout for you, no matter how cool that would actually be, it is not possible. What IS possible, is for you to turn your health around, and you can start now. Start making healthier choices NOW. Start getting more exercise in NOW. Start taking responsibility for yourself NOW. And while you're walking that path of responsibility, lean on me for support, encouragement, butt kickin', and anything else you need along the way. I eat healthy and workout for ME. Because one day I woke up and realized that tomorrow, I may not, and the only one who could do anything about it, was ME.

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