DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Motivation

I have been getting a little grief lately because of my obsessive posting about Beachbody workouts and Shakeology. People think that I believe there is a miracle workout or powder drink that will stave off obesity or make you healthy one drink at a time. That couldn't be further than the truth.

Many people do not know my full medical history. There is really no need to go into detail. The bottom line is that I'm plagued with a handful of diseases and illnesses that all combat each other on a daily basis, making something like losing weight, the most difficult thing for me to do. I have been offered the opportunity to have surgery, but I do not think I am that far gone, and I have not yet tried all I can to beat this myself. So I have tried many things. And I have raved about them for as long as they continued to work for me. Most of them didn't last past a month or two. Many of them I kept doing because I kept seeing so many other people get such fantastic results doing the exact same thing I was doing. So why wasn't it working for me? Because everybody and every body is different. Everyone battles things that are different to one another. Mine are a bit more difficult to deal with, but they won't stop me.

So here it is, my truth, and what works for me.

Shakeology, yes, it's a protein powder drink. But it is also a drink that has more minerals and nutrients in one shake than your body has ever gotten in a day's worth of eating everything right. It is comprised of natural ingredients, with nothing artificial. The shake is only drank once a day, and it is your choice to drink it as a snack or as a meal. I usually do it for the protein after a workout, and then still eat three meals, and at least 1-2 snacks for the remainder of my day. It's the protein after my workout to help my muscles mend from the torture I just put it through. ;)

My workout...Yes, they are Beachbody programs, and, yes, I am a Beachbody Coach. Heck, I'll be completely honest with you, and tell you that the only reason I signed up to be a Coach was because I wanted the discount, and Beachbody waives the enrollment fees as well as the monthly website maintenance fees for active duty military or their spouses. So signing up was completely free for me, and I had nothing to lose, and got to save money on some programs I wanted to try. That's honest to goodness truth. And what I found, once I gave everything an honest try, was that it worked. I had been clean eating for 2 1/2 years when I started my first Beachbody program, Hip Hop Abs. I wanted to start with something a little slow pace, not too intense, just something to get me moving. And boy did it!

From there, I was unstoppable. I haven't been a coach for long. But I am dedicated to my health and getting myself in shape for me and for my family. I want to live a long life, and I want to be able to do whatever activities my daughter wants to partake in. She is only four months old right now, so I don't have much time to whip myself into better shape before she's moving all over the place.

The time is now. What are YOU doing to take care of YOUR body?


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