DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Another Preview of T25!

Just another preview of the T25 workout that is available NOW at: www.beachbodycoach.com/LittleMrsCC. When you order the Challenge Pack from my site, you get a bonus workout along with a month of Shakeology, FREE shipping (free shipping ends soon!!), and ME supporting and motivating you the entire time. 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week, 60 days. That's all it takes.

FREE Team Beachbody Membership!!

Part of being healthy is having and utilizing the proper tools to achieve your goals. One of my favorite things to do is to find new recipes and try and alter them to my liking, having a community whose goals are the same as mine, and having a way to keep my health and fitness goals organized. These are just a few of the things that a Team Beachbody Membership offers. Best of all, it's FREE! Sure, you can upgrade to the Club Membership and pay $2.99 a month, or you can stick with the FREE membership, and get just as many cool perks, one of which would be ME as your Coach, to help guide you through, every step of the way. It's FREE (did I mention that yet? :P ), and offers a community of people who want to get healthy, just like you and me. Try is out today, you'll be glad you did. :)

P.S. No hidden agenda here. There is NO obligation to purchasing anything. Just a FREE online community of people wanting to get healthy and benefit from the support of others trying to do the same. :)

Sign up HERE.

Friday Fit Tip!!

20 Secrets of Very Fit People

This is just one of the many articles that fill the walls at Team Beachbody. You will find things like this amongst the many pages. Tips to help keep you motivated to reach your goals, recipes to try new and healthy meals, a community of people determined, just like you and me, to get fit and get healthy.

As you read these, notice how many of them I've been repeating to you here for so long.

Water, water, water! it is your BEST friend!

Keep a food journal...Sometimes, we have an idea of where we are going wrong in our eating. Though we don't like to admit it, and seldom do, it is often more serious than we think or let on. So when you hit a slump, keep a journal for a week. Compare that to what your week was like, and see where you binge on fatty foods, or when you just didn't get enough to eat in a day. It helps, sometimes, to just put it all down on paper.

And my third favorite, that I just cannot say enough, DON'T compare yourself to others! You are you. So be YOU fabulously.

Read the other tips in the article below, and sign up for your FREE Team Beachbody Membership here: https://www.teambeachbody.com/tbbsignup/-/tbbsignup/free?referringRepId=234453

Read article here.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Focus T25 Preview!!

Here are a couple of sneak peeks at the workout you get with Coach Shaun T in Focus T25, the newest addition to the Beachbody workout family.

Ab Routine

Basic Workout

T25 is available NOW, but only through me as your Coach. For $180, you get the workout, an exclusive bonus workout, and a month of Shakeology. Order through my link below, then join me for the T25 Challenge Group starting mid-July. I will be there to coach you through any hurdle you may have, and to motivate you to keep going and to remember what you are working toward. A new you starts NOW!


Monday, June 24, 2013


Some MAJOR ordering is being done on the site, so be patient, but don't miss out on the AWESOME deal of $180 for this brand new AMAZING program with a month of Shakeology!! Order it, then join my Challenge Group that will start the program mid-July. Let's get fit!!

Go to my site, click "Shop," then "Challenge Packs" to get yours! :D

Focus T25 can ONLY be purchased through me as your Coach! It is not yet available to the public. :)


Monday Motivation

I have been getting a little grief lately because of my obsessive posting about Beachbody workouts and Shakeology. People think that I believe there is a miracle workout or powder drink that will stave off obesity or make you healthy one drink at a time. That couldn't be further than the truth.

Many people do not know my full medical history. There is really no need to go into detail. The bottom line is that I'm plagued with a handful of diseases and illnesses that all combat each other on a daily basis, making something like losing weight, the most difficult thing for me to do. I have been offered the opportunity to have surgery, but I do not think I am that far gone, and I have not yet tried all I can to beat this myself. So I have tried many things. And I have raved about them for as long as they continued to work for me. Most of them didn't last past a month or two. Many of them I kept doing because I kept seeing so many other people get such fantastic results doing the exact same thing I was doing. So why wasn't it working for me? Because everybody and every body is different. Everyone battles things that are different to one another. Mine are a bit more difficult to deal with, but they won't stop me.

So here it is, my truth, and what works for me.

Shakeology, yes, it's a protein powder drink. But it is also a drink that has more minerals and nutrients in one shake than your body has ever gotten in a day's worth of eating everything right. It is comprised of natural ingredients, with nothing artificial. The shake is only drank once a day, and it is your choice to drink it as a snack or as a meal. I usually do it for the protein after a workout, and then still eat three meals, and at least 1-2 snacks for the remainder of my day. It's the protein after my workout to help my muscles mend from the torture I just put it through. ;)

My workout...Yes, they are Beachbody programs, and, yes, I am a Beachbody Coach. Heck, I'll be completely honest with you, and tell you that the only reason I signed up to be a Coach was because I wanted the discount, and Beachbody waives the enrollment fees as well as the monthly website maintenance fees for active duty military or their spouses. So signing up was completely free for me, and I had nothing to lose, and got to save money on some programs I wanted to try. That's honest to goodness truth. And what I found, once I gave everything an honest try, was that it worked. I had been clean eating for 2 1/2 years when I started my first Beachbody program, Hip Hop Abs. I wanted to start with something a little slow pace, not too intense, just something to get me moving. And boy did it!

From there, I was unstoppable. I haven't been a coach for long. But I am dedicated to my health and getting myself in shape for me and for my family. I want to live a long life, and I want to be able to do whatever activities my daughter wants to partake in. She is only four months old right now, so I don't have much time to whip myself into better shape before she's moving all over the place.

The time is now. What are YOU doing to take care of YOUR body?


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Available Tomorrow!!!

One of the biggest excuses I ever here about not working out, is "I don't have time." Everyone has time, it's all about WANTING what you are after. Do you want it bad enough?

It used to be you had to workout hard to achieve a svelt figure and lean muscle. NOT ANYMORE!! In only 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week for 60 days, YOU can have a leaner, more svelt figure. Watch the video below, which shows you the AMAZING results from the test group Beachbody used to test the results of Focus T25.

Shaun T is the creator of Insanity, and Focus T25 is his next best workout program. With Tania showing you modifications for beginners, even if you have not done an intense workout before, you CAN do this workout!!

I will be starting this program mid July with a challenge group full of people anxious to get their bodies in shape. If you are interested in joining in on the action, message me using the "Contact Me" to the right, or through message on Facebook through Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous.

No more excuses....LET'S DO THIS!!

Available tomorrow at: www.beachbodycoach.com/LittleMrsCC

Friday, June 21, 2013

**NEW Vanilla Shakeology**


Available RIGHT NOW, is the NEW Vanilla Shakeology!! Made with fresh vanilla beans, your palate can now indulge in a natural vanilla shake that tastes great and gives your body what it needs. Get your bag today!

~ Want to get 25% off your Home Delivery of Shakeology? Contact me and ask me how! 

Order Shakeology now!

Friday Fit Tip:

Dr. Oz is well known in the health industry. His brilliant way of thinking and his vast knowledge base for natural ways to heal go hand in hand with his everyday practices and advice that he passes on to those who follow him. It is no wonder, then, that this week's Friday Fit Tip comes from a collaboration of his best tips for health and fitness. My particular favorites? Get more sleep, focus on nutrients not calories (think quality versus quantity), and get strong, not skinny. These ten things have been things that I have been telling people FOREVER. They are key components to a healthy LIFESTYLE. Not a fad diet, or something to toss to the wayside once you get the body you've been longing for. They are key to living a healthy life, for the rest of your life. So read up, and learn lots, then put it into practice.


Dr. Oz's Top 10 Health and Fitness Tips of All Time

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Welcome to Thursday Thirst Day!

Welcome to Thursday Thirst Day!!

While traveling with my mom throughout Europe last summer, I was introduced to the almighty Mojito. Can you say "YUM?!?!?!!" I could not believe I had never had one of these before. It was a hot summer, and you generally don't want to drink sugary drinks, just because it makes you feel icky, at least it does for me. But this was just the right mix of everything wonderful and refreshing. I enjoyed one pretty much every night during our week's stay in Paris.

On top of the refreshing beverage as a whole, mint plays a key role in the making of a Mojito. With health benefits that go beyond refreshing the palate before, after, or in between meals, you just cannot go wrong with a Mojito. However, since consuming alcohol ups the calories in a beverage (and, let's face it, you should probably remember the majority of your summer! :P ), here is a non-alcoholic version that is sure to quench your thirst this summer. Be sure to read the article below for more health benefits of mint.

Almosjito (Makes 1 drink)

1/2 lime
1/2 orange
4 sprigs mint
1/4 cup sparkling water
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
1/3 cups crushed ice

Squeeze lime and orange juices into a cocktail shaker. Add remaining ingredients. Shake and strain into a glass.
