We took a little hiatus, but hopefully you're still out there and waiting for the next chapters in our journey of self-discovery!
This week, we have another THREE chapters to read! So because of that, we are going to take 2 weeks to complete this. I know this was supposed to be a 6 week challenge, but you know, when you are trying to better yourself, it is better for you to be able to take your time reading and working through the workbooks rather than being rushed and not getting everything out of this that you can. So, two weeks for this next section.
We are reading Chapters 6, 7, and 8, and we are focusing on attitude and self-esteem! My favorite quote that I've ever heard is by an unknown person, but I love it! "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm Possible.'"
We are only as good as the attitude that we carry with us. If you are constantly in that state of mind where you are wondering, "Why me?" all the time, and you can't seem to pick yourself up no matter what, then guess what? You're never going to achieve the wonderful things that are out there and within your reach! Positive thinking breeds positive actions. Henry Ford had another great quote, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
So let's focus these next two weeks into cultivating positive energy and thoughts. No matter what happens, try to stay positive, and think positive things. It will work as long as you stay positive. The minute you slip back into the woe is me way of thinking, you may as well stop reading. You have to be able to believe in yourself in order for you to have the life you so rightly deserve and desire.
With that being said, let's dive in to Week 4!! When you're ready for the workbooks, head on over to our Facebook page and look under the Notes section!
Good Luck!
Sharing recipes, goals, and challenges, while helping to motivate others in working toward a healthier lifestyle.
DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Wheat Flour...The Complex Carb
They say whole wheat products and brown rice are better for you, right? So you go to the store, pick up a bag of white flour and whole wheat flour, and you read the ingredients to see for yourself. Only, you find that once you are reading, that the specs are pretty much the same. So you get to wondering, if the fat, carbs, sugars, protein, etc., are the same between both bags, what makes the whole wheat flour so much better? A carb is a carb, is a carb, right? WRONG!!
Without boring you with so much science and detail, here's the bottom line. White flour breaks down immediately (simply carb) and spikes your blood sugars immediately, making your body have to work overtime to control your blood sugar. Wheat flour breaks down over a longer period of time (complex carb) keeping your blood sugar more steady allowing your body to process the sugars with more control. So while you don't see the difference between intake as far as all the stats go, your body notices a difference in how it handles things.
Let's also remember, that certain diseases, like diabetes, can't afford for your body to work overtime trying to control your blood sugar spikes. It already takes a lot of effort to keep your body stable and maneuvering most of the time, having to deal with uncontrolled spikes just tortures your body a little more, exhausting your organs in the process.
So the next time you reach for flour on the shelf, make the switch, and pick up a bag of wheat flour. It will be worth it in the long run. :)
QUICK TIP: Whole wheat flour and products are more satiating, too! Which means your body feels fuller longer after having eaten a muffin made with whole wheat flour as opposed to white flour.
CONVERSION NOTE: When swapping out whole wheat flour for white flour in your favorite recipes, remember that you cannot swap these two cup for cup! You only need 7/8 of a cup per cup of white flour called for in a recipe. So pull out your calculator and do the math for the best results!
For example: Recipe calls for 2 1/4 cups white flour. Take 2.25 divided by 8 multiplied by 7, and you get 1.96875. So instead of 2 1/4 cups of white flour, you only need 2 cups of whole wheat flour. :)
Without boring you with so much science and detail, here's the bottom line. White flour breaks down immediately (simply carb) and spikes your blood sugars immediately, making your body have to work overtime to control your blood sugar. Wheat flour breaks down over a longer period of time (complex carb) keeping your blood sugar more steady allowing your body to process the sugars with more control. So while you don't see the difference between intake as far as all the stats go, your body notices a difference in how it handles things.
Let's also remember, that certain diseases, like diabetes, can't afford for your body to work overtime trying to control your blood sugar spikes. It already takes a lot of effort to keep your body stable and maneuvering most of the time, having to deal with uncontrolled spikes just tortures your body a little more, exhausting your organs in the process.
So the next time you reach for flour on the shelf, make the switch, and pick up a bag of wheat flour. It will be worth it in the long run. :)
QUICK TIP: Whole wheat flour and products are more satiating, too! Which means your body feels fuller longer after having eaten a muffin made with whole wheat flour as opposed to white flour.
CONVERSION NOTE: When swapping out whole wheat flour for white flour in your favorite recipes, remember that you cannot swap these two cup for cup! You only need 7/8 of a cup per cup of white flour called for in a recipe. So pull out your calculator and do the math for the best results!
For example: Recipe calls for 2 1/4 cups white flour. Take 2.25 divided by 8 multiplied by 7, and you get 1.96875. So instead of 2 1/4 cups of white flour, you only need 2 cups of whole wheat flour. :)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Healthy Bites Recipe Calendar!
Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous is partnering with Coree Casinger Photography in making a Healthy Bites calendar featuring 12 DELICIOUSLY healthy recipes. I am very proud of being able to take my favorite recipes and turn them into healthier and tastier versions. So this month I am running a contest!
All you have to do is go to our Facebook page (Click HERE!) and upload a picture of your favorite recipe, and tell me what it is. There's no need to write out the entire recipe! I will notify the winner via a message and get the recipe that way. The recipe doesn't have to be healthy! In fact, I encourage you to put up a picture of your favorite meals that are a bit heavy on the calories, so I can show you how to make YOUR favorite recipes healthier, too! You can post as many pictures as you want! What does the winner get?
One winner will be chosen from all the photos submitted. I will take the winner's recipe and turn it into a healthy version, all while preserving the great taste you are used to. The winner's healthy recipe will be featured as one of the recipes in our Healthy Bites calendar, and you will also receive a FREE copy of the calendar!
So what are you waiting for? Scoot on over and start posting away!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Unlimited Challenge - Week 3
We are finally there! How did you do for our extended week 2? Are you learning more about yourself and what makes you tick? That's what we're aiming for!
Another two chapters to read this week, but it will be well worth it! We've discovered our dreams, we've fine tuned them, now we need to learn what's getting in our way to making them a reality! Chapter Four begins Step Two: Believe. We are going to learn how to be honest with ourselves in our current situation and lives as we now know it. We are going to continue to learn about ourselves, how we see ourselves, and how the choices we make affect everything else around us and in our lives. Chapter Five will help us understand how our decisions contribute to the outcome of circumstances, how to forgive ourselves and others, and how to take responsibility for where we are.
There are THREE workbooks to do this week pertaining to all that we'll read about. This is where it starts to get deep. This is where you start to begin to understand what you've been doing to stop yourself from achieving all that you want in YOUR life. Answer the questions honestly. The only one who will benefit from this is you. If you feel the need to be dishonest in your answers, or insist that everything is perfect, then put the book down, you don't need to keep reading. If you think your life is perfect, just as it is and you are not unhappy with ANY aspect of your life at all whatsoever, then you don't need this book in the first place. And if you're going to be dishonest in answering all the questions, then you're not ready to change.
Go out and be great! When you're ready to do the workbooks, head on over to the fan page on Facebook, or click HERE, and look under the "Notes" section on the left side of the page.
By the way....How did your vision board turn out? I've been having some difficulty finding images that I want to use and struggling with the design of my board. I know we were supposed to have these done by the end of Week Two, but really, your dreams are ever changing. So let's just try to have them done as soon as possible. And when you're ready to share yours, take a picture and post it on our Facebook page!
Good luck this week! Go learn what makes you tick!! :)
Another two chapters to read this week, but it will be well worth it! We've discovered our dreams, we've fine tuned them, now we need to learn what's getting in our way to making them a reality! Chapter Four begins Step Two: Believe. We are going to learn how to be honest with ourselves in our current situation and lives as we now know it. We are going to continue to learn about ourselves, how we see ourselves, and how the choices we make affect everything else around us and in our lives. Chapter Five will help us understand how our decisions contribute to the outcome of circumstances, how to forgive ourselves and others, and how to take responsibility for where we are.
There are THREE workbooks to do this week pertaining to all that we'll read about. This is where it starts to get deep. This is where you start to begin to understand what you've been doing to stop yourself from achieving all that you want in YOUR life. Answer the questions honestly. The only one who will benefit from this is you. If you feel the need to be dishonest in your answers, or insist that everything is perfect, then put the book down, you don't need to keep reading. If you think your life is perfect, just as it is and you are not unhappy with ANY aspect of your life at all whatsoever, then you don't need this book in the first place. And if you're going to be dishonest in answering all the questions, then you're not ready to change.
Go out and be great! When you're ready to do the workbooks, head on over to the fan page on Facebook, or click HERE, and look under the "Notes" section on the left side of the page.
By the way....How did your vision board turn out? I've been having some difficulty finding images that I want to use and struggling with the design of my board. I know we were supposed to have these done by the end of Week Two, but really, your dreams are ever changing. So let's just try to have them done as soon as possible. And when you're ready to share yours, take a picture and post it on our Facebook page!
Good luck this week! Go learn what makes you tick!! :)
Count Calories?! Pssshhh!
I know what you're thinking, why in the world would you want to add more work to losing weight?! I was there once, too. When I thought that I knew better, and knew that what I was eating was healthy enough for it to all count, and in a good way. I was sorely mistaken.
I've tried many diets. You name it, I've done it. Atkins, yep! South Beach, yep! Lean Cuisine, yep! Protein shakes, yep! Cabbage soup, yep! Now aside from those big money output diets like Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, I've put forth a good effort to losing weight. But there are two things that I fall back to now, that I KNOW will always work......Diet and exercise.
I know, that's that last thing you want to here. Honestly, it's the last thing I want to SAY!! But here is the bottom line to all those other fad diets. You may lose the weight right away, but once you are done losing the weight and you jump off that bandwagon, unless you have taught yourself the correct way to eat, you WILL gain it all back. No ifs, ands, or buts! Well, bigger butts, yes. :)
See, that's the thing. Those diets don't teach you HOW to eat, they merely tell you, or pre-portion for you, WHAT to eat. They don't explain to you the help that fiber is to a diet, or how to accurately count calories. Instead, they give you lists of foods to eat and not eat, and you are counting that company's system of points instead of calories. When all is said and done, and you regain some of that lost weight, you will either return to that diet or try a new one. Ever wonder why some diet plans have "Lifetime" memberships? That would be why. :)
In order to EFFICIENTLY lose the weight you want, it will take time, planning, patience, experiment, and EFFORT! It takes time to plan your meals and exercise, patience to stick with the program, experimentation for when you plateau or when your body doesn't react to a diet like it used to, and EFFORT at ALL STAGES of your routine.
That's where calorie counting comes in to play. We all know the basics of calories in, calories out. Basically, you need to burn more calories than you take in in order to lose weight. 3500 calories is equivalent to 1 lb. So if you want to lose 2 lbs a week, your exercise needs to burn at least 7000 calories a week, or 1,000 a day. Plain and simple, right? But that won't work if your body only needs 2,000 to run on a day to day basis, and you're taking in 3,000 calories a day. See? Because then, if you're taking in 3,000 a day, and you're burning off 1,000 a day, you are right back down to that 2,000 that your body needs to stay at the weight you are. Yes, it takes some math to figure out all the numbers, but it's not that hard anymore!
Some of my friends have been using this site for a while. I decided to check it out for myself. The site is My Fitness Pal (www.MyFitnessPal.com). It does the math for you when you set up your profile, so it tells you, based off the information you put in, how many calories a day you need to eat and burn to lose weight at the rate that you would like to. By the way, the recommended rate is 2 lbs. per week. Keep that in mind! ;)
You then input everything you eat throughout the day and what kind of exercise you've done and for how long. Now, I have tried MANY calorie counting sites. And trust me when I say, NONE compare to this site! Their index of foods was simply amazing in and of itself! There was not one food that I typed into the search box that didn't come up with a result. And being a Military wife, sometimes the brands we get are not the popular ones. But even this site had those things in there. Rest assured, though, should something you type in NOT be in their database, you can input the item in, and it then becomes a part of their database for all their users to find. Amazing, right? That's just the half of it!
Most sites will have some sort of exercise tracker that lists certain exercises, and tells you how many calories you've burned for however long you did that exercise. But most sites don't take your weight into account for calories burned. This site does!! AND their list of activities is so long! I found things from Table Tennis (Ping Pong!), to Yoga, to Cleaning, to Cooking, to Walking your dog! It was a fabulous array of activity, and the best I've seen yet!
Oh! This is my FAVORITE part! As a person who prefers to make her meals from scratch, and with as organic ingredients as possible, I end up having to do the math for all the ingredients to figure out how many calories, fat, carbs, etc. are in my meals. NO MORE!!! This site has a "My Recipe" section, where you list how many people that recipe serves, and then you add your ingredients to the list for the recipe using things from their database, and VOILA!! Your recipe is complete! All the ingredients are added together to tell you all the nutritional information for your homemade meal! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!!!
I am sure that is just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm sure that I will discover many more wonderful things about this site along the way! But let me encourage you to go over, sign up for their free account, and get yourself started. This site literally makes it easy to count your calories, and keep your log. And I assure you, after tracking your calories for ONE day, you will see how much you really know about the foods you are putting in your body. Oh, did I mention that they have a FREE App that you can download to your mobile devices making it that much easier to stick with it? Yeah, check that out, too! :)
Diet and exercise is the slowest way to lose weight. That's because it's the healthiest way. Losing weight too quickly is unsafe for your body, and yo-yo dieting is just as bad. Deprivation diets only work for as long as you're willing to deprive yourself of the things your body needs to run every day. Learn to eat right, get out and be active, and you will find that the payoff is much better.
Head on over to My Fitness Pal to sign up for your FREE account and get started on your fabulous journey!
I've tried many diets. You name it, I've done it. Atkins, yep! South Beach, yep! Lean Cuisine, yep! Protein shakes, yep! Cabbage soup, yep! Now aside from those big money output diets like Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, I've put forth a good effort to losing weight. But there are two things that I fall back to now, that I KNOW will always work......Diet and exercise.
I know, that's that last thing you want to here. Honestly, it's the last thing I want to SAY!! But here is the bottom line to all those other fad diets. You may lose the weight right away, but once you are done losing the weight and you jump off that bandwagon, unless you have taught yourself the correct way to eat, you WILL gain it all back. No ifs, ands, or buts! Well, bigger butts, yes. :)
See, that's the thing. Those diets don't teach you HOW to eat, they merely tell you, or pre-portion for you, WHAT to eat. They don't explain to you the help that fiber is to a diet, or how to accurately count calories. Instead, they give you lists of foods to eat and not eat, and you are counting that company's system of points instead of calories. When all is said and done, and you regain some of that lost weight, you will either return to that diet or try a new one. Ever wonder why some diet plans have "Lifetime" memberships? That would be why. :)
In order to EFFICIENTLY lose the weight you want, it will take time, planning, patience, experiment, and EFFORT! It takes time to plan your meals and exercise, patience to stick with the program, experimentation for when you plateau or when your body doesn't react to a diet like it used to, and EFFORT at ALL STAGES of your routine.
That's where calorie counting comes in to play. We all know the basics of calories in, calories out. Basically, you need to burn more calories than you take in in order to lose weight. 3500 calories is equivalent to 1 lb. So if you want to lose 2 lbs a week, your exercise needs to burn at least 7000 calories a week, or 1,000 a day. Plain and simple, right? But that won't work if your body only needs 2,000 to run on a day to day basis, and you're taking in 3,000 calories a day. See? Because then, if you're taking in 3,000 a day, and you're burning off 1,000 a day, you are right back down to that 2,000 that your body needs to stay at the weight you are. Yes, it takes some math to figure out all the numbers, but it's not that hard anymore!
Some of my friends have been using this site for a while. I decided to check it out for myself. The site is My Fitness Pal (www.MyFitnessPal.com). It does the math for you when you set up your profile, so it tells you, based off the information you put in, how many calories a day you need to eat and burn to lose weight at the rate that you would like to. By the way, the recommended rate is 2 lbs. per week. Keep that in mind! ;)
You then input everything you eat throughout the day and what kind of exercise you've done and for how long. Now, I have tried MANY calorie counting sites. And trust me when I say, NONE compare to this site! Their index of foods was simply amazing in and of itself! There was not one food that I typed into the search box that didn't come up with a result. And being a Military wife, sometimes the brands we get are not the popular ones. But even this site had those things in there. Rest assured, though, should something you type in NOT be in their database, you can input the item in, and it then becomes a part of their database for all their users to find. Amazing, right? That's just the half of it!
Most sites will have some sort of exercise tracker that lists certain exercises, and tells you how many calories you've burned for however long you did that exercise. But most sites don't take your weight into account for calories burned. This site does!! AND their list of activities is so long! I found things from Table Tennis (Ping Pong!), to Yoga, to Cleaning, to Cooking, to Walking your dog! It was a fabulous array of activity, and the best I've seen yet!
Oh! This is my FAVORITE part! As a person who prefers to make her meals from scratch, and with as organic ingredients as possible, I end up having to do the math for all the ingredients to figure out how many calories, fat, carbs, etc. are in my meals. NO MORE!!! This site has a "My Recipe" section, where you list how many people that recipe serves, and then you add your ingredients to the list for the recipe using things from their database, and VOILA!! Your recipe is complete! All the ingredients are added together to tell you all the nutritional information for your homemade meal! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!!!
I am sure that is just the tip of the iceberg, and I'm sure that I will discover many more wonderful things about this site along the way! But let me encourage you to go over, sign up for their free account, and get yourself started. This site literally makes it easy to count your calories, and keep your log. And I assure you, after tracking your calories for ONE day, you will see how much you really know about the foods you are putting in your body. Oh, did I mention that they have a FREE App that you can download to your mobile devices making it that much easier to stick with it? Yeah, check that out, too! :)
Diet and exercise is the slowest way to lose weight. That's because it's the healthiest way. Losing weight too quickly is unsafe for your body, and yo-yo dieting is just as bad. Deprivation diets only work for as long as you're willing to deprive yourself of the things your body needs to run every day. Learn to eat right, get out and be active, and you will find that the payoff is much better.
Head on over to My Fitness Pal to sign up for your FREE account and get started on your fabulous journey!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Unlimited Challenge
Some friends of mine only recently got their book in the mail. So to afford everyone an opportunity to catch up and fully participate in the workbooks and activities from Week 2, we are going to delay the start of Week 3 until Monday, August 22, 2011. Hopefully this extra week allows everyone to catch up and be on the same page starting next week. :)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Unlimited Challenge - Week 2
So how did you do with week one? Did you find out more about what you truly want from YOUR life? Do you have your list of goals and dreams written down somewhere? GOOD!!
Week One was just meant to be an eye opener. Something to help you realize that your dreams that you keep bottled inside are dreams worth pursuing if they are truly a dream of yours. The questions you answered in the workbook should have led you to some self discovery about who you are, and what you want from your life. It should have sparked interests that maybe you haven't touched on in a while, or perhaps you found some new found passion for something you would love to try. Whatever got your juices flowing in Week One, let's keep them going!
Week Two is going to push you just a little further into presenting your dreams as concepts for your life, a blueprint if you will. You are going to learn that with every dream, in order to make it a reality, you need to have a deep seeded passion for that dream, and you need to have faith. Faith in yourself, and faith in your dream. Without the two together, your dreams will never be. But luckily, you are here, and we will discover this week how to build off your passions, and how to plant faith in all you do. So let's get started!
For Week Two, you need to read through chapters 2 AND 3. When you're ready to get started on this week's workbook, head on over to the fan page on Facebook and complete the workbook. You can do this by clicking HERE.
Good luck with Week Two! I hope you continue your path to self discovery, and that you unleash your dreams this week!!
Week One was just meant to be an eye opener. Something to help you realize that your dreams that you keep bottled inside are dreams worth pursuing if they are truly a dream of yours. The questions you answered in the workbook should have led you to some self discovery about who you are, and what you want from your life. It should have sparked interests that maybe you haven't touched on in a while, or perhaps you found some new found passion for something you would love to try. Whatever got your juices flowing in Week One, let's keep them going!
Week Two is going to push you just a little further into presenting your dreams as concepts for your life, a blueprint if you will. You are going to learn that with every dream, in order to make it a reality, you need to have a deep seeded passion for that dream, and you need to have faith. Faith in yourself, and faith in your dream. Without the two together, your dreams will never be. But luckily, you are here, and we will discover this week how to build off your passions, and how to plant faith in all you do. So let's get started!
For Week Two, you need to read through chapters 2 AND 3. When you're ready to get started on this week's workbook, head on over to the fan page on Facebook and complete the workbook. You can do this by clicking HERE.
Good luck with Week Two! I hope you continue your path to self discovery, and that you unleash your dreams this week!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Unlimited Challenge - Week 1
So you've bought your book (and if you haven't, you can go HERE to get it!), and you're ready to make some changes to your life. For once, I'm not talking about losing weight or eating healthy. Although it is more than okay to have those as the things you would like to focus on for this challenge, it isn't necessary.
For this 6 week challenge, we will be looking inward at your deepest, darkest desires of the heart. What do you really want from life? Many of us focus so much on having that ideal body, that we forget about other aspects of living. So that is our focus for this week. Here is an excerpt from Jillian about this week's challenge:
For this 6 week challenge, we will be looking inward at your deepest, darkest desires of the heart. What do you really want from life? Many of us focus so much on having that ideal body, that we forget about other aspects of living. So that is our focus for this week. Here is an excerpt from Jillian about this week's challenge:
"Welcome to the Unlimited "Write Your New Story" Challenge! Like all big journeys in life, it all starts with a single step. congrats on taking that step by getting Unlimites, joining this bookclub, and participating in this challenge. The first step of the book is "Imagine" and that's your first assignment. I want you to start deciding what you want out of life. We all have dreams for a reason. Have you tuned some of those so-called "impractical" dreams out? It's time to start listening in. So grab some paper and some colorful markers (Hey, why not make this fun?) and open the book up to Chapter One: Identify Your Passion. If you've already gotten a head start on the book, --GREAT! Since we never stop learning and growing, you can always revisit chapters to see if you've shifted focus or taken on some new passions. Take notes as you go through the different sections, highlight, dog-ear pages--whatever you need to do--and when you reach the end of the chapter, check out the Working It Out Workbook: Discover Who You Are. In short, I want you to focus on dreaming this week. And not just daydreaming (although that's a lot of fun and VERY helpful)...real, honest-to-goodness, if-money-wasn't-an-issue dreaming about what you want to be when you grow up."
Now if that didn't gear you up, I'm just not sure what will! When you're ready for the workbook, head on over to the Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous page on Facebook, and check out the Notes.
This is going to be a FANTABULOUS 6 weeks! I cannot wait to get started! I am glad you are along for the ride, and I hope you get a lot out of this challenge. I look forward to reading about your progress, and what you learn about yourself! And should you need any more encouragement leading in to this week, here's a song to help you along....
Monday, July 25, 2011
Unlimited Challenge
On August 1st, I will be beginning the Jillian Michaels Unlimited challenge. Basically, it's like an ultimate book club, where as you read through the book, you answer questions that lead to self discovery of oneself, which will ultimately help you become the person you want to be, or to better yourself in ways you never thought possible.
Many of you are familiar with the plethora of Jillian Michaels books and DVDs that are geared toward weight loss and exercise regimens. This book, Unlimited, is not geared toward either of those things. Instead, the book focuses on you breaking free from bad habits that hold you back from reaching your goal, WHATEVER that goal may be! If you want to be healthier, more active, debt free, financially stable, purchase your own home, buy a new car with cash, go back to school for something you always wanted to be, or start a project you've always dreamt of doing, it doesn't matter! That is what this book is about! Helping you break through the barriers to YOUR dreams, no matter what YOUR dreams are!
I had the opportunity to read the first ten pages before the book was even on the shelves April 5, 2011. I was so moved with the first ten pages, that I was thoroughly upset that I couldn't get the book right then and there. I was so moved that I PRE-ordered the book! I NEVER pre-order books! Having been a member of Jillian Michaels' online workout program, this challenge was posted on her blog. It is a 6 week challenge, and you read through the book and then answer questions to help you understand where your barriers are, and how you can knock them down. I have all the challenge info, and I have the book. And whether I get more people involved in this challenge with me or not, I WILL be doing this challenge starting August 1st.
I would love all the company I can get in this challenge. I believe in changing for the better, and in changing for yourself, not others. So if you are ready to see and make changes in your life, regardless of where you think you need to make changes, then pick up the book at your local bookstore by August 1st, and join me in this Unlimited challenge!
~ You are only limited by your experience and the thoughts inside your head ~ David Spindler
Many of you are familiar with the plethora of Jillian Michaels books and DVDs that are geared toward weight loss and exercise regimens. This book, Unlimited, is not geared toward either of those things. Instead, the book focuses on you breaking free from bad habits that hold you back from reaching your goal, WHATEVER that goal may be! If you want to be healthier, more active, debt free, financially stable, purchase your own home, buy a new car with cash, go back to school for something you always wanted to be, or start a project you've always dreamt of doing, it doesn't matter! That is what this book is about! Helping you break through the barriers to YOUR dreams, no matter what YOUR dreams are!
I had the opportunity to read the first ten pages before the book was even on the shelves April 5, 2011. I was so moved with the first ten pages, that I was thoroughly upset that I couldn't get the book right then and there. I was so moved that I PRE-ordered the book! I NEVER pre-order books! Having been a member of Jillian Michaels' online workout program, this challenge was posted on her blog. It is a 6 week challenge, and you read through the book and then answer questions to help you understand where your barriers are, and how you can knock them down. I have all the challenge info, and I have the book. And whether I get more people involved in this challenge with me or not, I WILL be doing this challenge starting August 1st.
I would love all the company I can get in this challenge. I believe in changing for the better, and in changing for yourself, not others. So if you are ready to see and make changes in your life, regardless of where you think you need to make changes, then pick up the book at your local bookstore by August 1st, and join me in this Unlimited challenge!
~ You are only limited by your experience and the thoughts inside your head ~ David Spindler
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Live Life
We live life so quickly, and, oftentimes, with so many things we are trying to do at once. We feel like we have to look a certain way, act a certain way, wear certain clothes, and have certain things. We constantly compare ourselves to others, even if it is in little insignificant matters. We are a society built on judging and telling others how they should act and what they should be. How fat is too fat, how thin is too thin, where is the happy medium.....All questions asked on a daily basis by the majority of this country.
We sometimes base our portrayal of what is "perfect" on the Hollywood images that are splashed through pages of a magazine, or on the tv, or on the movie screen. We forget that we are each individuals, with our own path, our own goals, our own desires, and our own dreams. Life is not meant to be filled with working so much that you forget to live a little. It is not meant to have so many rules on the path to happiness for each of us. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Like a child running through water spraying from a fire hydrant. Or slip n' sliding in the backyard. Those moments as a child, where we are free from inhibitions and live solely in that moment are oftentimes lost as we get older. When in all actuality, those moments should be embraced even more as adults, and those moments should be more bold and carefree. But we think as adults we aren't allowed to have fun and feel free. There's society, telling us what is right and wrong again!
Listen to this song. Take it all in. Listen to it again. And then, this next week, let your inhibitions go! Embrace life and live each day to the fullest. My favorite line from this song is this:
"We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, BUT I CAN'T LIVE THAT WAY."
And we shouldn't. Mistakes are life lessons. Make them once, learn from them, and move on. Don't gnaw on your "mistakes" and regret having done whatever it was. Whether it was eating dessert one night, or enjoying that steak and lobster at the wedding reception. Indulge every now and then. Have your goals, but don't forget to live life. That's what it's here for, right? To live!!
Listen to this song!
Now go enjoy your week!!!
We sometimes base our portrayal of what is "perfect" on the Hollywood images that are splashed through pages of a magazine, or on the tv, or on the movie screen. We forget that we are each individuals, with our own path, our own goals, our own desires, and our own dreams. Life is not meant to be filled with working so much that you forget to live a little. It is not meant to have so many rules on the path to happiness for each of us. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Like a child running through water spraying from a fire hydrant. Or slip n' sliding in the backyard. Those moments as a child, where we are free from inhibitions and live solely in that moment are oftentimes lost as we get older. When in all actuality, those moments should be embraced even more as adults, and those moments should be more bold and carefree. But we think as adults we aren't allowed to have fun and feel free. There's society, telling us what is right and wrong again!
Listen to this song. Take it all in. Listen to it again. And then, this next week, let your inhibitions go! Embrace life and live each day to the fullest. My favorite line from this song is this:
"We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, BUT I CAN'T LIVE THAT WAY."
And we shouldn't. Mistakes are life lessons. Make them once, learn from them, and move on. Don't gnaw on your "mistakes" and regret having done whatever it was. Whether it was eating dessert one night, or enjoying that steak and lobster at the wedding reception. Indulge every now and then. Have your goals, but don't forget to live life. That's what it's here for, right? To live!!
Listen to this song!
Now go enjoy your week!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Work It....Own It.....Day 15-17
Monday was actually my 33rd birthday. And though I woke up at a leisurely time (10:30 am!!), I still had my breakfast, let it settle, and then did a workout. I know, I'm crazy!!! My birthday should have been a given at NOT working out. But when I sat contemplating on all the reasons NOT to work out, the one reason I had FOR working out was greater......I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! So I put in my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and started the Level 3 workout. I remember LOVING the Level 3 workout before, but on this day, it was really kicking my butt! Which, of course, is a good thing, but still! I was out of breath, aching, and dripping with sweat by the time I got done with this workout! I felt the impact of this workout in the days to follow, which was a mere reminder that everything I am doing is working. :)
Tuesday brought forth my circuit workouts with Jillian. I got a great upper body workout, mainly targeting my arms. I worked my way toward completing one of the missions in the JM Fitness Ultimatum 2011 on the Wii, and despite my several attempts to make it all the way to the end of the mission, when you fail to do an exercise properly, it automatically quits the mission on you. There is a time limit on how long and how many tries you get to do an exercise correctly. There were a couple of exercises thrown in the mission that I had never done before, and despite the step-by-step instructions in the "Help" section of the game, I apparently was still not doing them right. So I got about 8:30-9:00 minutes in to the mission twice, and failed out automatically twice. At that point, my arms were so exhausted, that I decided to go in to the individual exercises and do reps on the two exercises I was having difficulty with. Let's just say, after doing the reps on the individual exercises, I'm pretty confident that I will kick booty on the next go round with the missions. :)
Wednesday was a rest day, and a very welcome one at that. My body was still a little sore from the rigorous workouts from the two previous days, and I had a lot to do since it was my husband's birthday. However, I did still complete my 25/25 Challenge, and have successfully kept up with that for every day of June. And, having done an arm routine Tuesday, and having done the 25/25 Challenge, after looking in the mirror, I noticed a difference in my arms. They are more tone all over, but the jiggly underarm is making it's transformation into a solid mass of muscle. :D I couldn't be happier about that!
Still noticing a difference in the mirror, and I am actually finding myself strut around more confidently than ever before. I know this is working, and that all I am doing is paying off. I've got 7 more pounds that I want to lose before we leave on vacation on July 1st, and at this rate, I really think I'm going to make it! So get out there and get your butts moving! Something is always better than nothing!!
Good luck in your workouts and healthy diets! Remember, losing weight is not merely losing weight. In order to keep the weight off, you must change your lifestyle and teach yourself how to balance eating and exercise in an efficient manner. You can SOO do this!! :)
Tuesday brought forth my circuit workouts with Jillian. I got a great upper body workout, mainly targeting my arms. I worked my way toward completing one of the missions in the JM Fitness Ultimatum 2011 on the Wii, and despite my several attempts to make it all the way to the end of the mission, when you fail to do an exercise properly, it automatically quits the mission on you. There is a time limit on how long and how many tries you get to do an exercise correctly. There were a couple of exercises thrown in the mission that I had never done before, and despite the step-by-step instructions in the "Help" section of the game, I apparently was still not doing them right. So I got about 8:30-9:00 minutes in to the mission twice, and failed out automatically twice. At that point, my arms were so exhausted, that I decided to go in to the individual exercises and do reps on the two exercises I was having difficulty with. Let's just say, after doing the reps on the individual exercises, I'm pretty confident that I will kick booty on the next go round with the missions. :)
Wednesday was a rest day, and a very welcome one at that. My body was still a little sore from the rigorous workouts from the two previous days, and I had a lot to do since it was my husband's birthday. However, I did still complete my 25/25 Challenge, and have successfully kept up with that for every day of June. And, having done an arm routine Tuesday, and having done the 25/25 Challenge, after looking in the mirror, I noticed a difference in my arms. They are more tone all over, but the jiggly underarm is making it's transformation into a solid mass of muscle. :D I couldn't be happier about that!
Still noticing a difference in the mirror, and I am actually finding myself strut around more confidently than ever before. I know this is working, and that all I am doing is paying off. I've got 7 more pounds that I want to lose before we leave on vacation on July 1st, and at this rate, I really think I'm going to make it! So get out there and get your butts moving! Something is always better than nothing!!
Good luck in your workouts and healthy diets! Remember, losing weight is not merely losing weight. In order to keep the weight off, you must change your lifestyle and teach yourself how to balance eating and exercise in an efficient manner. You can SOO do this!! :)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Work It....Own It.....Day 11-14
Well, this week was another good one for me! Thursday brought forth a challenge for me in upping my degree of difficulty in my Biggest Loser Challenge game for the Wii. From Low intensity to Moderate, which extended my workouts from 20 minutes to 30. So now, I do 30 minutes of circuits, 30 minutes in whatever for the Biggest Loser Challenge, and then an optional 20 minutes Yoga. Before, I did three workouts, and they equaled about 1 hour 10 minutes. But with the more intense workout being 30 minutes, I do not have to supplement my two workouts anymore, unless, of course, I want to. :)
Friday brought upon me a rest day. Since I skipped my rest day on Wednesday to get more working out in before my weigh in on Friday morning, I opted to move Wednesday's rest day to Friday. Which I very much needed after my million squats throughout the week! Saturday was a cardio day, and walking was the word! I needed something a little less intense than biking, rowing, or some other sort of cardio. Sunday brought another rest day, which was fine since I was not particularly feeling too well over the weekend.
My 25/25 Challenge was a success, and I completed 25 Push Ups and 25 Sit Ups/Crunches every single day this week. I actually enjoyed this exercise so much, that I am going to make it a monthly challenge to see if I can do 25 Push Ups and 25 Sit Ups/Crunches for every day in June. I really felt a difference in my arms, and my core muscles are more taught this week having done this challenge. I really think this will make a difference in my arm strength, and help my core muscles to tighten up more so when all the fat that surrounds my abs are gone, I will have a nice tummy to show for all my hard work! :)
My weigh in this week was another success! 1.3 lbs down, 1 inch from the waist, and 1/2 inch from the hips. I'LL TAKE IT!!! That brings me to a total of 2.8 lbs lost in the past two weeks. I am so thrilled for my progress! I took a look in the mirror in passing today, and I was shocked at what I saw staring back at me! I could see my waist! I could see the fat melting away! It was unbelievable! I know that I will make it this time around, and I know that I'm going to finally be at the size I would like to be at when this is all said and done. Perseverance is key! Stick with it!!
Make achievable goals. I have learned the hard way that if I set my sights too high, whenever I fall even the slightest bit short, I am disappointed with myself. So I set reasonable goals. I had a goal for January of this year, to lose 5 lbs. That's not unreasonable, right? I did so good that I surpassed that goal with 7 lbs. lost in January! So I keep my goals small, and I don't put the deadline so far in to the future that I cannot see it! Do a month at a time, a week at a time, a day at a time, whatever works for you. But just as our eyes are often bigger than our appetites, don't make your eyes strain so hard to see your goal that it virtually becomes unachievable. Be reasonable with your goal setting and time lines. You CAN do this!!!
Good luck this week! Keep at it! And know you've got a fan in me!! :)
Friday brought upon me a rest day. Since I skipped my rest day on Wednesday to get more working out in before my weigh in on Friday morning, I opted to move Wednesday's rest day to Friday. Which I very much needed after my million squats throughout the week! Saturday was a cardio day, and walking was the word! I needed something a little less intense than biking, rowing, or some other sort of cardio. Sunday brought another rest day, which was fine since I was not particularly feeling too well over the weekend.
My 25/25 Challenge was a success, and I completed 25 Push Ups and 25 Sit Ups/Crunches every single day this week. I actually enjoyed this exercise so much, that I am going to make it a monthly challenge to see if I can do 25 Push Ups and 25 Sit Ups/Crunches for every day in June. I really felt a difference in my arms, and my core muscles are more taught this week having done this challenge. I really think this will make a difference in my arm strength, and help my core muscles to tighten up more so when all the fat that surrounds my abs are gone, I will have a nice tummy to show for all my hard work! :)
My weigh in this week was another success! 1.3 lbs down, 1 inch from the waist, and 1/2 inch from the hips. I'LL TAKE IT!!! That brings me to a total of 2.8 lbs lost in the past two weeks. I am so thrilled for my progress! I took a look in the mirror in passing today, and I was shocked at what I saw staring back at me! I could see my waist! I could see the fat melting away! It was unbelievable! I know that I will make it this time around, and I know that I'm going to finally be at the size I would like to be at when this is all said and done. Perseverance is key! Stick with it!!
Make achievable goals. I have learned the hard way that if I set my sights too high, whenever I fall even the slightest bit short, I am disappointed with myself. So I set reasonable goals. I had a goal for January of this year, to lose 5 lbs. That's not unreasonable, right? I did so good that I surpassed that goal with 7 lbs. lost in January! So I keep my goals small, and I don't put the deadline so far in to the future that I cannot see it! Do a month at a time, a week at a time, a day at a time, whatever works for you. But just as our eyes are often bigger than our appetites, don't make your eyes strain so hard to see your goal that it virtually becomes unachievable. Be reasonable with your goal setting and time lines. You CAN do this!!!
Good luck this week! Keep at it! And know you've got a fan in me!! :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Work It....Own It.....Days 7-10
I decided that I'm only going to update this twice a week. I've been pretty busy lately, and by the time I get to writing at the end of the night, I'm just exhausted. Not to mention, that posting a daily workout journal can be a bit much for some to read, and by the end of the first week, many are probably wondering when the heck I'm going to stop. So we'll see how it goes for the next couple of weeks like this, and then I'll take it from there. :)
This week, not only am I doing my 25/25 Challenge, I've upgraded my workouts. I am now doing two workouts (on most days that is!), and then trying to get in a little Yoga as well. The Yoga really helps with my back, and just my overall body. Some nice stretches to stretch my muscles, and really clear my mind. Not to mention, Yoga helps with my balance, which is something that has gone down hill since I haven't been exercising as much. My workouts never exceed 45 minutes, but most of them are only 30 minutes long. However, when you're doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as one of your workouts, and then perhaps the Biggest Loser Challenge for Wii as the other workout, you're getting a pretty full workout!
Sunday was a rest day, or was supposed to be, so I only did Yoga that day, just to keep me limber and focused. Monday was the circuits from hell day! I swear I did so many squats, I could have squat around the globe and back! Needless to say, my legs that day were pretty much the consistency of jello, and every squat since has hurt like a.....well, it hurt!! Tuesday wasn't so bad, a little circuit training via Jillian, and then two sessions of Yoga. Wednesday, which was supposed to be another "rest" day, was, in fact, not. But that was my choice. I decided to work it because I feel lazy on my "rest" days. I know that the body needs time to heal from the working out, and I fully get that. But I feel like I've been on my groove this past week, and I just hate the slow days where I'm thrown off my rhythm a little. So I did more Yoga, and some challenges on my Biggest Loser for Wii.
Just to keep you up-to-date on the different things that I am doing for my various exercises, here's the breakdown:
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD - Three levels of circuit workouts by JM, with Level 3 being the biggest variety of exercises and the most difficult in degree.
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011 Wii - This actually is compiled of JM circuits, just made in to a game where you are fighting villains and crime in different challenges once you've worked out enough to participate in those. I have yet to do a challenge, or as she calls them "missions," because I have only had time to complete the workout and move on with my day. One of these days, I will try it!
The Biggest Loser Challenge Wii - Between Bob and Jillian, you are worked to the EXTREME!!! Not to mention the weekly weigh ins, and the weekly challenges as well. Each weekly challenge put you up against former Biggest Loser contestants in challenges that they participated in. Of course, you are only doing the physical challenges that were done on the shows, but still, they are difficult and in order to improve your weekly score, you have to do well.
Vacation Beach Isle Wii - I know, sounds like a slackers workout, right? I thought so, too. And while, yes, many of the activities do not require that much motion, 90% of the games focus on balance and stability, and the ever important hand-eye coordination. So these are kind of like mental-to-physical activities, and more done as a third workout during a day, or on my rest days so I still get a little movement and action. However, let's not be to quick to pass this one off. The Hula Dancing and Fire Dancing are quite involved, and the higher your degree of difficulty, the more you definitely feel the burn. Let's just say, I'm Hawaiian, and MY hips and obliques hurt after five rounds of hula dancing!!
Boot Camp Wii - Yep, seems like a silly game, right? My husband and I actually got this one just for fun. But after the first time of playing, we were so physically exhausted! The activities range from shooting things out of the sky to peeling potatoes, every job that would be done by a soldier at boot camp! The main thing that keeps this game up there with a workout status is that the motions that you have to do to complete an activity are so involved, that you literally are aching by the time you are done with ONE activity, let alone a whole chain of activities. It may not be a "Booty" Boot Camp, but it is a boot camp nonetheless!
Wii Fit Plus - Yes, Wii Fit Plus has a variety of exercises that can keep you going. I just find that the time between each exercise keeps me from having a constant high heart rate that is required in a good workout. I, therefore, keep this one around purely for "extra" little workouts throughout the week, and on my two rest days.
So far, that is all I'm working with. Along with my membership to Jillian Michaels online program which gives me circuits to complete. But, honestly, you can get that information from a number of her books, and all the exercises that she showcases in her online program are featured in her "Winning by Losing" book, and in her DVD's and Wii game, Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011. So you could save yourself a membership fee, and just go stock up on her books and DVD's and save yourself money in the long run. :)
Today was the first day that I looked in the mirror and physically SAW a difference in how I look. I have noticed a difference in how I feel, but that is secondary to if I actually see a difference when I look in the mirror. Let me just say, that when I looked in the mirror, and noticed a layer of fat missing from my body, I was practically in tears. It pays to do the workouts. It pays to watch your portions. It pays to do the work.
Good luck on your workouts, and keep moving! Even if you're only walking everyday, keep it up! Something is better than nothing, and you will eventually see a new you standing in front of your mirror!
This week, not only am I doing my 25/25 Challenge, I've upgraded my workouts. I am now doing two workouts (on most days that is!), and then trying to get in a little Yoga as well. The Yoga really helps with my back, and just my overall body. Some nice stretches to stretch my muscles, and really clear my mind. Not to mention, Yoga helps with my balance, which is something that has gone down hill since I haven't been exercising as much. My workouts never exceed 45 minutes, but most of them are only 30 minutes long. However, when you're doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred as one of your workouts, and then perhaps the Biggest Loser Challenge for Wii as the other workout, you're getting a pretty full workout!
Sunday was a rest day, or was supposed to be, so I only did Yoga that day, just to keep me limber and focused. Monday was the circuits from hell day! I swear I did so many squats, I could have squat around the globe and back! Needless to say, my legs that day were pretty much the consistency of jello, and every squat since has hurt like a.....well, it hurt!! Tuesday wasn't so bad, a little circuit training via Jillian, and then two sessions of Yoga. Wednesday, which was supposed to be another "rest" day, was, in fact, not. But that was my choice. I decided to work it because I feel lazy on my "rest" days. I know that the body needs time to heal from the working out, and I fully get that. But I feel like I've been on my groove this past week, and I just hate the slow days where I'm thrown off my rhythm a little. So I did more Yoga, and some challenges on my Biggest Loser for Wii.
Just to keep you up-to-date on the different things that I am doing for my various exercises, here's the breakdown:
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD - Three levels of circuit workouts by JM, with Level 3 being the biggest variety of exercises and the most difficult in degree.
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011 Wii - This actually is compiled of JM circuits, just made in to a game where you are fighting villains and crime in different challenges once you've worked out enough to participate in those. I have yet to do a challenge, or as she calls them "missions," because I have only had time to complete the workout and move on with my day. One of these days, I will try it!
The Biggest Loser Challenge Wii - Between Bob and Jillian, you are worked to the EXTREME!!! Not to mention the weekly weigh ins, and the weekly challenges as well. Each weekly challenge put you up against former Biggest Loser contestants in challenges that they participated in. Of course, you are only doing the physical challenges that were done on the shows, but still, they are difficult and in order to improve your weekly score, you have to do well.
Vacation Beach Isle Wii - I know, sounds like a slackers workout, right? I thought so, too. And while, yes, many of the activities do not require that much motion, 90% of the games focus on balance and stability, and the ever important hand-eye coordination. So these are kind of like mental-to-physical activities, and more done as a third workout during a day, or on my rest days so I still get a little movement and action. However, let's not be to quick to pass this one off. The Hula Dancing and Fire Dancing are quite involved, and the higher your degree of difficulty, the more you definitely feel the burn. Let's just say, I'm Hawaiian, and MY hips and obliques hurt after five rounds of hula dancing!!
Boot Camp Wii - Yep, seems like a silly game, right? My husband and I actually got this one just for fun. But after the first time of playing, we were so physically exhausted! The activities range from shooting things out of the sky to peeling potatoes, every job that would be done by a soldier at boot camp! The main thing that keeps this game up there with a workout status is that the motions that you have to do to complete an activity are so involved, that you literally are aching by the time you are done with ONE activity, let alone a whole chain of activities. It may not be a "Booty" Boot Camp, but it is a boot camp nonetheless!
Wii Fit Plus - Yes, Wii Fit Plus has a variety of exercises that can keep you going. I just find that the time between each exercise keeps me from having a constant high heart rate that is required in a good workout. I, therefore, keep this one around purely for "extra" little workouts throughout the week, and on my two rest days.
So far, that is all I'm working with. Along with my membership to Jillian Michaels online program which gives me circuits to complete. But, honestly, you can get that information from a number of her books, and all the exercises that she showcases in her online program are featured in her "Winning by Losing" book, and in her DVD's and Wii game, Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011. So you could save yourself a membership fee, and just go stock up on her books and DVD's and save yourself money in the long run. :)
Today was the first day that I looked in the mirror and physically SAW a difference in how I look. I have noticed a difference in how I feel, but that is secondary to if I actually see a difference when I look in the mirror. Let me just say, that when I looked in the mirror, and noticed a layer of fat missing from my body, I was practically in tears. It pays to do the workouts. It pays to watch your portions. It pays to do the work.
Good luck on your workouts, and keep moving! Even if you're only walking everyday, keep it up! Something is better than nothing, and you will eventually see a new you standing in front of your mirror!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Work It....Own It.....Day 7
Yep, another day has fallen behind me. Yesterday, according to my JM workout routine, was a rest day. I can do cardio for "extra workout credit" but let's be honest. How many of us, who work out every day, are really wanting to do "extra" credit workouts? Yesterday, I can honestly say, that was NOT me!! LOL!
But, in taking part in my 25/25 Challenge, I DID do my 25 push ups, inclined against my wall, and my 25 crunches. My lower back was hurting too much to try and do the full sit up, so I figured crunches would suffice to start. I hope to be able to move up to doing actual sit ups, if only for the sake of being able to say that after 15 years, I can finally do them. :)
Life is a battle of some sort at every moment. Choose your battles wisely, and with knowledge of how to win, with realistic goals, and a plan to achieve said goals. With that kind of mindset, there's no way you can lose! So, as my good friend Charlie Sheen has said, "Let's all be Winners!" :D
Keep the stride, steady your pace, and eventually you WILL win!!!
For a recap of previous days workout stories, visit us on Facebook HERE.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Work It....Own It.....
Last Monday, I started up my getting fit regimen again. I am steady on the course, and keeping people up to date on Facebook. I forgot to post those notes on here, so head on over to Facebook to see how the first week of my journey to a healthier me went! And stay tuned on the blog (or Facebook!) to watch my journey unfold!
Read last week's notes HERE.
Read last week's notes HERE.
Visit Us on Facebook!
That's right! You can now visit us on Facebook, and get the same up-to-date recipes, tips, tricks, workouts, and more! All in a more convenient place! So rush on over to Facebook, and be sure to "Like" us!!
Visit us on Facebook!!
Visit us on Facebook!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Healthy Spaghetti
What? Healthy pasta? IMPOSSIBLE!!!
No, really, it's not. :) Here is a fantastic recipe for some healthy spaghetti. Homemade spaghetti sauce, IN A CROCK POT, whole wheat pasta, even some parmesan cheese!
Whole Wheat Spaghetti
Sauce Ingredients:
1 medium or large onion, diced
1-2 packages of mushrooms, sliced
1 medium or large green bell pepper, diced
1 large can whole stewed tomatoes, cut in chunks
1 small can tomato paste
Salt, Pepper, and Parsley to taste
Chop up all your ingredients. Put everything except the tomato paste in the crockpot. Cook on low for 4-6 hours, or high for 2-4 hours. In the last twenty minutes of cook time, stir in a little tomato paste at a time until you have reached the desired thickness of sauce.
Cook your whole wheat spaghetti noodles, top with sauce and 2 Tbsp. of Parmesan Cheese.
Nutritional Facts:
Serving Size: 2 oz. Whole Wheat Spaghetti, 1 C Sauce, 2 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese
Calories: 323
Fat: 3g
Carbs: 59g
Fiber: 11.5g
Protein: 19g
Monday, February 28, 2011
Crunches and Push-Ups
Yep, you know them, you love them, you can't live without them. The ever popular crunch and push-up. I know what you're thinking, these are simple exercises, give me something better! But there are so many variations that you can do that will work so many different areas at the same time! And if you're not able to do the variations or more extreme exercises, these are a great place to start.
Basic crunches are done with you lying on your back, knees bent, your feet on the floor, and your hands behind your head. Many people will do crunches and put too much strain on their neck which, in turn, puts too much pressure on your spine and back. To do them correctly, don't curl in as you crunch up. Instead, pull with your chin. Act as if you are trying to get your chin to touch the ceiling. Doing so helps to keep you from pulling at your neck and keeps your upper torso more aligned. Try it! You'll notice the difference immediately!
Want something a little more intense than the basic crunch? Try one of these:
Bicycle Crunches - Lying on your back, with your hands behind your head, bend your legs to make a right angle. As you crunch up, bring your right elbow to meet your left knee. Return to start. Next, bring your left elbow to meet your right knee. Return to start. Repeat in this fashion in sets of 1 minute.
Pike Crunch - Lie on your back, with your legs straight out in front of you and your arms at your side. Exhale as you bring your legs up to a 45 degree angle, keeping your legs straight. At the same time, crunch up and extend your arms toward your feet. Return to start and repeat.
Push-ups are something where technique is constantly being criticized, and the appropriate way to perform changes from one trainer to the next. But here are some basics that you need to understand about the push-up.
Push-ups are done by lying face down on the ground with your legs together. Place your hands, palm down, out to the sides of your chest, and position them so they are directly under your elbows. With your arms straight and resting on the balls of your feet, keep your back straight as you lower your body to the ground until your arms create a 90 degree angle (right angle) at the elbows. Return to start and repeat.
Need something a little more difficult than the basic push-up? Try one of these:
Plyo Push-Ups - Performed almost in the same manner as the basic push-up with one exception. Instead of merely pushing your body back up into the start position, push yourself up with an explosive burst, lifting your hands off the floor and clapping them together before landing back in the push-up position. Repeat.
Traveling Push-Ups - Start as you would a basic push-up. Thinking of your head and arms as being at 12 o'clock, and your feet being at 6 o'clock, perform a regular push-up. When you get back to start, bring your left hand to meet your right hand, and move your body (NOT YOUR FEET!) to the 2 o'clock position. Do a push-up. Return to 12 o'clock. Do a push-up. Now, bring your right hand to meet your left hand and move your body to the 10 o'clock position. Do a push-up. Return to 12 o'clock. Repeat this pattern: 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 10 o'clock. Continue for a pre-determined number of reps or time limit.
Is a regular push-up too much for you to start with? It was for me, too! Try this!
Wall Push-Up - Stand approximately 2-3 feet away from a wall. With your feet together, position your hands on the wall so they are to the sides of your chest, and your hands are directly under your elbows. Putting all your weight to your arms and balls of your feet, lower yourself toward the wall until your arms make a right angle at the elbows. Return to start and repeat.
Simple exercises with different variations. Now, no matter where you go, you can always try out something new and get a different burn than just the basic crunch and push-up!
Basic crunches are done with you lying on your back, knees bent, your feet on the floor, and your hands behind your head. Many people will do crunches and put too much strain on their neck which, in turn, puts too much pressure on your spine and back. To do them correctly, don't curl in as you crunch up. Instead, pull with your chin. Act as if you are trying to get your chin to touch the ceiling. Doing so helps to keep you from pulling at your neck and keeps your upper torso more aligned. Try it! You'll notice the difference immediately!
Want something a little more intense than the basic crunch? Try one of these:
Bicycle Crunches - Lying on your back, with your hands behind your head, bend your legs to make a right angle. As you crunch up, bring your right elbow to meet your left knee. Return to start. Next, bring your left elbow to meet your right knee. Return to start. Repeat in this fashion in sets of 1 minute.
Pike Crunch - Lie on your back, with your legs straight out in front of you and your arms at your side. Exhale as you bring your legs up to a 45 degree angle, keeping your legs straight. At the same time, crunch up and extend your arms toward your feet. Return to start and repeat.
Push-ups are something where technique is constantly being criticized, and the appropriate way to perform changes from one trainer to the next. But here are some basics that you need to understand about the push-up.
Push-ups are done by lying face down on the ground with your legs together. Place your hands, palm down, out to the sides of your chest, and position them so they are directly under your elbows. With your arms straight and resting on the balls of your feet, keep your back straight as you lower your body to the ground until your arms create a 90 degree angle (right angle) at the elbows. Return to start and repeat.
Need something a little more difficult than the basic push-up? Try one of these:
Plyo Push-Ups - Performed almost in the same manner as the basic push-up with one exception. Instead of merely pushing your body back up into the start position, push yourself up with an explosive burst, lifting your hands off the floor and clapping them together before landing back in the push-up position. Repeat.
Traveling Push-Ups - Start as you would a basic push-up. Thinking of your head and arms as being at 12 o'clock, and your feet being at 6 o'clock, perform a regular push-up. When you get back to start, bring your left hand to meet your right hand, and move your body (NOT YOUR FEET!) to the 2 o'clock position. Do a push-up. Return to 12 o'clock. Do a push-up. Now, bring your right hand to meet your left hand and move your body to the 10 o'clock position. Do a push-up. Return to 12 o'clock. Repeat this pattern: 12 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 12 o'clock, 10 o'clock. Continue for a pre-determined number of reps or time limit.
Is a regular push-up too much for you to start with? It was for me, too! Try this!
Wall Push-Up - Stand approximately 2-3 feet away from a wall. With your feet together, position your hands on the wall so they are to the sides of your chest, and your hands are directly under your elbows. Putting all your weight to your arms and balls of your feet, lower yourself toward the wall until your arms make a right angle at the elbows. Return to start and repeat.
Simple exercises with different variations. Now, no matter where you go, you can always try out something new and get a different burn than just the basic crunch and push-up!
Jillian Michaels' New Book!!
You know her as TV's Toughest Trainer. You've watched on NBC's The Biggest Loser. You've probably also heard about her revolutionary way of losing weight through circuit training. Yes, before I became the obsessed fan that I am, I had heard and watched all of that, too.
What I DIDN'T know, was that Jillian Michaels, at a very young age, dealt with being obese, too. She was overweight, her parents were divorced, and she was depressed. She fought back and found ways to lose the weight, and researched the way to do it correctly. She has sat down with the world's best doctors in every branch of medicine, to find out the best ways to treat your body. She makes it easy. She has done all the research for you, and she's laid it out in her past books like Master Your Metabolism.
I'm sure you're probably thinking, "Sure! And just because she's on tv and saying all this mumbo jumbo, I should believe her, too?"NO!! Not because she's on tv. Not because she's rich. And, most definitely, NOT because I am encouraging you to!
Many of us that read this site are here for one reason. To lose weight. Being healthy is always the second thing that comes to someone's mind when they are overweight. I know it. I've been there. I look at myself in the mirror and I think, "Wow!! How did I get this big? What can I do to get this fat off me YESTERDAY?!" What we sometimes fail to realize is that what took years and years to put on, will not come off with one magic pill in 6-8 weeks. PERIOD! There is nothing out there, short of liposuction, that will cut that fat right off your body! Whether you want to admit it or not, you worked to get that fat where it is. You opened your mouth, you lifted the food to it, and you ate it. No one forced you to do it. The good thing is, YOU CAN MAKE IT GO AWAY, TOO!!!
The efforts have to be made by you. The changes need to be made by you. The want and desire to be healthy and lose the weight you need/want to lose has to come from YOU!! You can't lose weight for anyone else but yourself. Until you realize that YOU want it for YOU, attempts will fail. And that's because you will eventually revert to your old ways and habits. But if you truly want to change, to be healthier, to lose weight, and you want it for you and you alone, you can move mountains!
We've all heard of those fad diets and magic pills. Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Quick Trim, Hydroxycut, Trim Spa, the list goes on. I will admit, I've tried them. Pretty much all of them. I did whatever it took to get rid of the extra weight. I didn't care about the ingredients, I didn't care about the toxins. I wanted the weight gone, and I wanted it gone NOW!! But, just as you would expect, the weight that was lost, was all gained back. Sometimes, extra weight found its way to me as well. But why? The pills obviously helped me to lose the weight, right? Quick fixes are not permanent solutions. They are just that. A quick fix. Not to mention harmful for so many reasons, those pills were nothing but a quick hope to reverse the years of binge eating and weight gain. There is only one way to do this the right way. Yes, diet and exercise are key. But pay attention, this is the secret...
Surprised? You shouldn't be! I'm sure I've said this before, and I'm sure you've heard it before. Make healthier choices, eat healthier foods, get an appropriate amount of exercise.
One of the books that truly made me a fan of Jillian Michaels was her book Master Your Metabolism. It is a HUGE eye opener into the world of food, and what you are doing to your body. Laying out everything in the factual, point blank, brutally honest mentality that we've come to know and love about Jillian, her books really make you stop and think when you go to grab a "quick something to eat."
Jillian's new book, Unlimited, isn't what her other books have been, where she explores and shares all the ins and outs of eating healthier and what kind of exercise to do. Unlimited is a motivational piece of art! And I've only read the first 10 pages! In stores April 5th, Unlimited helps you to reach those dreams that others laugh at and knock down on a daily basis. It is a book of encouragement, that walks you through making your dreams come true. Regardless of the dream that rests in your head at this very moment. She helps you find what you truly want, and then pushes you to make it happen.
Change is inevitable. And when change takes place you have two options: change with it, or stay the same. Change is not something that we should be afraid of, it is something that we should embrace.
Take the time to read these ten pages, and make the choice yourself. You are here because you want to change. I am sharing this with you to help you move toward that change that you want to see.
Click HERE to read the first ten pages of Jillian Michaels' book Unlimited. In stores and online April 5, 2011.
What I DIDN'T know, was that Jillian Michaels, at a very young age, dealt with being obese, too. She was overweight, her parents were divorced, and she was depressed. She fought back and found ways to lose the weight, and researched the way to do it correctly. She has sat down with the world's best doctors in every branch of medicine, to find out the best ways to treat your body. She makes it easy. She has done all the research for you, and she's laid it out in her past books like Master Your Metabolism.
I'm sure you're probably thinking, "Sure! And just because she's on tv and saying all this mumbo jumbo, I should believe her, too?"NO!! Not because she's on tv. Not because she's rich. And, most definitely, NOT because I am encouraging you to!
Many of us that read this site are here for one reason. To lose weight. Being healthy is always the second thing that comes to someone's mind when they are overweight. I know it. I've been there. I look at myself in the mirror and I think, "Wow!! How did I get this big? What can I do to get this fat off me YESTERDAY?!" What we sometimes fail to realize is that what took years and years to put on, will not come off with one magic pill in 6-8 weeks. PERIOD! There is nothing out there, short of liposuction, that will cut that fat right off your body! Whether you want to admit it or not, you worked to get that fat where it is. You opened your mouth, you lifted the food to it, and you ate it. No one forced you to do it. The good thing is, YOU CAN MAKE IT GO AWAY, TOO!!!
The efforts have to be made by you. The changes need to be made by you. The want and desire to be healthy and lose the weight you need/want to lose has to come from YOU!! You can't lose weight for anyone else but yourself. Until you realize that YOU want it for YOU, attempts will fail. And that's because you will eventually revert to your old ways and habits. But if you truly want to change, to be healthier, to lose weight, and you want it for you and you alone, you can move mountains!
We've all heard of those fad diets and magic pills. Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Quick Trim, Hydroxycut, Trim Spa, the list goes on. I will admit, I've tried them. Pretty much all of them. I did whatever it took to get rid of the extra weight. I didn't care about the ingredients, I didn't care about the toxins. I wanted the weight gone, and I wanted it gone NOW!! But, just as you would expect, the weight that was lost, was all gained back. Sometimes, extra weight found its way to me as well. But why? The pills obviously helped me to lose the weight, right? Quick fixes are not permanent solutions. They are just that. A quick fix. Not to mention harmful for so many reasons, those pills were nothing but a quick hope to reverse the years of binge eating and weight gain. There is only one way to do this the right way. Yes, diet and exercise are key. But pay attention, this is the secret...
Surprised? You shouldn't be! I'm sure I've said this before, and I'm sure you've heard it before. Make healthier choices, eat healthier foods, get an appropriate amount of exercise.
One of the books that truly made me a fan of Jillian Michaels was her book Master Your Metabolism. It is a HUGE eye opener into the world of food, and what you are doing to your body. Laying out everything in the factual, point blank, brutally honest mentality that we've come to know and love about Jillian, her books really make you stop and think when you go to grab a "quick something to eat."
Jillian's new book, Unlimited, isn't what her other books have been, where she explores and shares all the ins and outs of eating healthier and what kind of exercise to do. Unlimited is a motivational piece of art! And I've only read the first 10 pages! In stores April 5th, Unlimited helps you to reach those dreams that others laugh at and knock down on a daily basis. It is a book of encouragement, that walks you through making your dreams come true. Regardless of the dream that rests in your head at this very moment. She helps you find what you truly want, and then pushes you to make it happen.
Change is inevitable. And when change takes place you have two options: change with it, or stay the same. Change is not something that we should be afraid of, it is something that we should embrace.
Take the time to read these ten pages, and make the choice yourself. You are here because you want to change. I am sharing this with you to help you move toward that change that you want to see.
Click HERE to read the first ten pages of Jillian Michaels' book Unlimited. In stores and online April 5, 2011.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
You Are Perfect
So many times in our lives, we fall prey to the thoughts of others. What does this person, or that person, think of me and how I look. We constantly look at others, wishing we had her legs, or her arms, or her abs. While it is great to have goals, and something to work toward, we sometimes get lost in all of it that we forget just how special we truly are, and what wonderful attributes we have without all the wishing.
I have done many posts on how to get leaner thighs, tighter arms, or how to work your obliques. I've shared recipes and words of wisdom to keep you motivated and wanting to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. This week, instead of giving you pointers to help change your outward appearance, I would like you to focus on what is within. The character within a person is much more valuable than the appearance on the outside. We can sculpt our bodies into perfection, but the character inside is what will truly make us shine. I have met many people that are absolutely gorgeous on the outside, and what was on the inside completely disgusted me and turned me away. You have to believe in yourself. You have to do the things that will make YOU happy, never what will make others happy.
It is this obsession with perfection, and what society believes is perfect, that is taking over our children. This is what is causing stupid Facebook and Myspace wars between teens. Telling each other that their fat slobs and worthless. If we could only focus on teaching our children, and learning for ourselves, that each of us are perfect in our own ways, maybe there would be more positive people out there in the world.
Whatever your reason is that you want to lose weight and get in shape, I applaud you for taking the time to change the things about you that YOU want to change. If there is any part of you that is doing this for someone else, STOP!! That is no way to live.
I am a huge fan of Pink. Her songs tell stories of real "adult" heartbreak and life lessons. A lot of her songs deal with things she thought about herself as a child and teen. In a sense, like it is with most artists, her music is her therapy. I am grateful for the things Pink chooses to sing about and her honest way of portraying real life. Listen to this song, all the way through. And then think about it. We have all had those moments where we have felt less than perfect. But each of us, in our own little ways, are absolutely perfect and today is the day for us to shine.
Thank you, DownVilla, for the music video. **THIS IS NOT THE EDITED VERSION!**
Click HERE to watch the video and here the song.
I have done many posts on how to get leaner thighs, tighter arms, or how to work your obliques. I've shared recipes and words of wisdom to keep you motivated and wanting to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. This week, instead of giving you pointers to help change your outward appearance, I would like you to focus on what is within. The character within a person is much more valuable than the appearance on the outside. We can sculpt our bodies into perfection, but the character inside is what will truly make us shine. I have met many people that are absolutely gorgeous on the outside, and what was on the inside completely disgusted me and turned me away. You have to believe in yourself. You have to do the things that will make YOU happy, never what will make others happy.
It is this obsession with perfection, and what society believes is perfect, that is taking over our children. This is what is causing stupid Facebook and Myspace wars between teens. Telling each other that their fat slobs and worthless. If we could only focus on teaching our children, and learning for ourselves, that each of us are perfect in our own ways, maybe there would be more positive people out there in the world.
Whatever your reason is that you want to lose weight and get in shape, I applaud you for taking the time to change the things about you that YOU want to change. If there is any part of you that is doing this for someone else, STOP!! That is no way to live.
I am a huge fan of Pink. Her songs tell stories of real "adult" heartbreak and life lessons. A lot of her songs deal with things she thought about herself as a child and teen. In a sense, like it is with most artists, her music is her therapy. I am grateful for the things Pink chooses to sing about and her honest way of portraying real life. Listen to this song, all the way through. And then think about it. We have all had those moments where we have felt less than perfect. But each of us, in our own little ways, are absolutely perfect and today is the day for us to shine.
Thank you, DownVilla, for the music video. **THIS IS NOT THE EDITED VERSION!**
Click HERE to watch the video and here the song.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Bound and Determined
Yep, this is the year. I've been putting it off for too long, and I'm bound and determined to make a significant difference this year. I have tried everything. I did the Atkins Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, Slim Fast, you name it, I have done it. I have lost weight to gain it all back, and sometimes, I gained more than I lost. The only diet that kept me consistently losing and doing well was a protein shake twice a day with a balanced meal for dinner and three snacks a day. The problem? I enjoy food too much to drink my meals all the time. :)
About a year ago, after having watched many seasons of The Biggest Loser, I bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I figured I would give it a shot, since I was about out of options and things to try. As promised, having done the workout for 30 days, I lost 15 lbs. I could not have been any happier. Of course, life after that got busy, and my excuses to not workout followed, and the dvd got pushed to the side.
So this year, as I was planning my strategy to losing weight and keeping things fresh as far as workouts go, I decided to buy some games for my Wii to keep me active and enjoying my workouts. I bought Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011 and The Biggest Loser Challenge. I am still awaiting the arrival of The Biggest Loser Challenge, but when I opened the JMFU 2011, I found an invitation to join Jillian's program on her website for FREE for 30 days, and if I don't like it, I can cancel it before the trial period is over. It has officially been three days since I've become a member, and I am nothing less than super impressed. Logging your food, figuring out your calories in and calories out, how much you need to burn, all the math that you used to do for yourself is completely done for you. Your workouts are outlined for you. You can even change to easier exercises if you feel the one given is too advanced for you.
I have logged my calories for two full days, and completed two whole circuit workouts. I cannot express how fantastic I feel, despite me cursing about halfway through the workout. You work up a sweat, you do it in the comfort of your own home, and you get a great workout that literally works every inch of your body.
In the coming weeks, I will be sharing bits and pieces of information that I am learning from my program. Some of the information is a repeat of things I have been saying for years, and some of it will be new information to copy down and keep with you. Whether it's old or new, it's information that you will want as you strive to build a better, more healthy you. So stay tuned, keep burning those calories, and stick to finding healthier ways to eat. The new, healthier you is right around the corner!
About a year ago, after having watched many seasons of The Biggest Loser, I bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I figured I would give it a shot, since I was about out of options and things to try. As promised, having done the workout for 30 days, I lost 15 lbs. I could not have been any happier. Of course, life after that got busy, and my excuses to not workout followed, and the dvd got pushed to the side.
So this year, as I was planning my strategy to losing weight and keeping things fresh as far as workouts go, I decided to buy some games for my Wii to keep me active and enjoying my workouts. I bought Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011 and The Biggest Loser Challenge. I am still awaiting the arrival of The Biggest Loser Challenge, but when I opened the JMFU 2011, I found an invitation to join Jillian's program on her website for FREE for 30 days, and if I don't like it, I can cancel it before the trial period is over. It has officially been three days since I've become a member, and I am nothing less than super impressed. Logging your food, figuring out your calories in and calories out, how much you need to burn, all the math that you used to do for yourself is completely done for you. Your workouts are outlined for you. You can even change to easier exercises if you feel the one given is too advanced for you.
I have logged my calories for two full days, and completed two whole circuit workouts. I cannot express how fantastic I feel, despite me cursing about halfway through the workout. You work up a sweat, you do it in the comfort of your own home, and you get a great workout that literally works every inch of your body.
In the coming weeks, I will be sharing bits and pieces of information that I am learning from my program. Some of the information is a repeat of things I have been saying for years, and some of it will be new information to copy down and keep with you. Whether it's old or new, it's information that you will want as you strive to build a better, more healthy you. So stay tuned, keep burning those calories, and stick to finding healthier ways to eat. The new, healthier you is right around the corner!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year! Good Luck in 2011!
The first day of the New Year, and for me, it's nearly over. Weighing in for the last time of the year yesterday, I was shocked to see that the 7 pounds that I lost had stayed lost for the past month. Looking forward into 2011, I have new goals and new strategies to making myself a better me.
It's no surprise that with the New Year brings many resolutions to lose weight. Have you ever noticed how packed gyms are in January? It's also no surprise to see how many people fade away from their efforts after about the first month or so. The reasons for this are numerous, but I would guess that high up on that list would be that people get tired of starving themselves, tired of exercising every minute of their free time, and get tired of working so hard to lose 2 pounds one week, just to have it crawl back regardless of what they're doing.
The key? Know your body, and know yourself. At this time of year, many people will try anything to lose weight. Many fad diets are put into place to lose the weight you want, but the minute you jump off that fad diet, the pounds come crawling back on. What you must understand is that you need to balance out a healthy eating lifestyle with a healthy exercise lifestyle.
Here are some things to think about as you begin to make your New Year's Resolutions concerning your health for the year to come:
~ Keep it simple! The more complex your plan, the more you have to keep track of, and the easier it is to get overwhelmed and give up.
~ Take it slow! Losing weight, getting in shape, changing your lifestyle, these things don't happen overnight! It takes time, patience, a plan, and motivation.
~ Make reasonable goals! Sure, your ultimate weight loss goal may be 50 pounds, but sometimes it is easier to look at that ultimate goal 5 pounds at a time.
~ Don't beat yourself up! Many diets restrict what you are "supposed" to eat and how often you "should" exercise and what exercises you should be doing. Changing to a healthier lifestyle will not cut out all of your favorite foods for life, and it won't be a change you can make in a snap. Switching to eating healthier things will take some time to incorporate. Finding healthier or less fatty ways to make those secret indulgences you can't live without will take practice. So on those occasional days where you "slip" and you eat that piece of cake for dessert, don't beat yourself up! An occasional piece of cake is not going to pack on the 10 pounds you just lost. Enjoy it, and carry on the next day.
~ Drink water! Water, water, water! Many people don't know that when they are feeling hungry, sometimes they are just dehydrated, and those pains from dehydration come off as pains of hunger. So if you just finished that yummy cobb salad for lunch, and you start to feel a bit hungry an hour later, drink a couple of tall glasses of water, and see if you are still tempted to have a snack. If you are, make it a healthy one, like an apple, that will improve your mental acuity for the latter part of your day.
Those are just a few things to keep in mind as you set out for a better you this year. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to, I truly do believe that. And, when all else fails, remember this quote I found, not sure of the author, but the message is great:
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm Possible.'"
Good luck with your goals for 2011!
It's no surprise that with the New Year brings many resolutions to lose weight. Have you ever noticed how packed gyms are in January? It's also no surprise to see how many people fade away from their efforts after about the first month or so. The reasons for this are numerous, but I would guess that high up on that list would be that people get tired of starving themselves, tired of exercising every minute of their free time, and get tired of working so hard to lose 2 pounds one week, just to have it crawl back regardless of what they're doing.
The key? Know your body, and know yourself. At this time of year, many people will try anything to lose weight. Many fad diets are put into place to lose the weight you want, but the minute you jump off that fad diet, the pounds come crawling back on. What you must understand is that you need to balance out a healthy eating lifestyle with a healthy exercise lifestyle.
Here are some things to think about as you begin to make your New Year's Resolutions concerning your health for the year to come:
~ Keep it simple! The more complex your plan, the more you have to keep track of, and the easier it is to get overwhelmed and give up.
~ Take it slow! Losing weight, getting in shape, changing your lifestyle, these things don't happen overnight! It takes time, patience, a plan, and motivation.
~ Make reasonable goals! Sure, your ultimate weight loss goal may be 50 pounds, but sometimes it is easier to look at that ultimate goal 5 pounds at a time.
~ Don't beat yourself up! Many diets restrict what you are "supposed" to eat and how often you "should" exercise and what exercises you should be doing. Changing to a healthier lifestyle will not cut out all of your favorite foods for life, and it won't be a change you can make in a snap. Switching to eating healthier things will take some time to incorporate. Finding healthier or less fatty ways to make those secret indulgences you can't live without will take practice. So on those occasional days where you "slip" and you eat that piece of cake for dessert, don't beat yourself up! An occasional piece of cake is not going to pack on the 10 pounds you just lost. Enjoy it, and carry on the next day.
~ Drink water! Water, water, water! Many people don't know that when they are feeling hungry, sometimes they are just dehydrated, and those pains from dehydration come off as pains of hunger. So if you just finished that yummy cobb salad for lunch, and you start to feel a bit hungry an hour later, drink a couple of tall glasses of water, and see if you are still tempted to have a snack. If you are, make it a healthy one, like an apple, that will improve your mental acuity for the latter part of your day.
Those are just a few things to keep in mind as you set out for a better you this year. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to, I truly do believe that. And, when all else fails, remember this quote I found, not sure of the author, but the message is great:
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm Possible.'"
Good luck with your goals for 2011!
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