We took a little hiatus, but hopefully you're still out there and waiting for the next chapters in our journey of self-discovery!
This week, we have another THREE chapters to read! So because of that, we are going to take 2 weeks to complete this. I know this was supposed to be a 6 week challenge, but you know, when you are trying to better yourself, it is better for you to be able to take your time reading and working through the workbooks rather than being rushed and not getting everything out of this that you can. So, two weeks for this next section.
We are reading Chapters 6, 7, and 8, and we are focusing on attitude and self-esteem! My favorite quote that I've ever heard is by an unknown person, but I love it! "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm Possible.'"
We are only as good as the attitude that we carry with us. If you are constantly in that state of mind where you are wondering, "Why me?" all the time, and you can't seem to pick yourself up no matter what, then guess what? You're never going to achieve the wonderful things that are out there and within your reach! Positive thinking breeds positive actions. Henry Ford had another great quote, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
So let's focus these next two weeks into cultivating positive energy and thoughts. No matter what happens, try to stay positive, and think positive things. It will work as long as you stay positive. The minute you slip back into the woe is me way of thinking, you may as well stop reading. You have to be able to believe in yourself in order for you to have the life you so rightly deserve and desire.
With that being said, let's dive in to Week 4!! When you're ready for the workbooks, head on over to our Facebook page and look under the Notes section!
Good Luck!
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