DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Jillian Michaels' New Book!!

You know her as TV's Toughest Trainer. You've watched on NBC's The Biggest Loser. You've probably also heard about her revolutionary way of losing weight through circuit training. Yes, before I became the obsessed fan that I am, I had heard and watched all of that, too.

What I DIDN'T know, was that Jillian Michaels, at a very young age, dealt with being obese, too. She was overweight, her parents were divorced, and she was depressed. She fought back and found ways to lose the weight, and researched the way to do it correctly. She has sat down with the world's best doctors in every branch of medicine, to find out the best ways to treat your body. She makes it easy. She has done all the research for you, and she's laid it out in her past books like Master Your Metabolism.

I'm sure you're probably thinking, "Sure! And just because she's on tv and saying all this mumbo jumbo, I should believe her, too?"NO!! Not because she's on tv. Not because she's rich. And, most definitely, NOT because I am encouraging you to!

Many of us that read this site are here for one reason. To lose weight. Being healthy is always the second thing that comes to someone's mind when they are overweight. I know it. I've been there. I look at myself in the mirror and I think, "Wow!! How did I get this big? What can I do to get this fat off me YESTERDAY?!" What we sometimes fail to realize is that what took years and years to put on, will not come off with one magic pill in 6-8 weeks. PERIOD! There is nothing out there, short of liposuction, that will cut that fat right off your body! Whether you want to admit it or not, you worked to get that fat where it is. You opened your mouth, you lifted the food to it, and you ate it. No one forced you to do it. The good thing is, YOU CAN MAKE IT GO AWAY, TOO!!!

The efforts have to be made by you. The changes need to be made by you. The want and desire to be healthy and lose the weight you need/want to lose has to come from YOU!! You can't lose weight for anyone else but yourself. Until you realize that YOU want it for YOU, attempts will fail. And that's because you will eventually revert to your old ways and habits. But if you truly want to change, to be healthier, to lose weight, and you want it for you and you alone, you can move mountains!

We've all heard of those fad diets and magic pills. Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Quick Trim, Hydroxycut, Trim Spa, the list goes on. I will admit, I've tried them. Pretty much all of them. I did whatever it took to get rid of the extra weight. I didn't care about the ingredients, I didn't care about the toxins. I wanted the weight gone, and I wanted it gone NOW!! But, just as you would expect, the weight that was lost, was all gained back. Sometimes, extra weight found its way to me as well. But why? The pills obviously helped me to lose the weight, right? Quick fixes are not permanent solutions. They are just that. A quick fix. Not to mention harmful for so many reasons, those pills were nothing but a quick hope to reverse the years of binge eating and weight gain. There is only one way to do this the right way. Yes, diet and exercise are key. But pay attention, this is the secret...


Surprised? You shouldn't be! I'm sure I've said this before, and I'm sure you've heard it before. Make healthier choices, eat healthier foods, get an appropriate amount of exercise.

One of the books that truly made me a fan of Jillian Michaels was her book Master Your Metabolism. It is a HUGE eye opener into the world of food, and what you are doing to your body. Laying out everything in the factual, point blank, brutally honest mentality that we've come to know and love about Jillian, her books really make you stop and think when you go to grab a "quick something to eat."

Jillian's new book, Unlimited, isn't what her other books have been, where she explores and shares all the ins and outs of eating healthier and what kind of exercise to do. Unlimited is a motivational piece of art! And I've only read the first 10 pages! In stores April 5th, Unlimited helps you to reach those dreams that others laugh at and knock down on a daily basis. It is a book of encouragement, that walks you through making your dreams come true. Regardless of the dream that rests in your head at this very moment. She helps you find what you truly want, and then pushes you to make it happen. 

Change is inevitable. And when change takes place you have two options: change with it, or stay the same. Change is not something that we should be afraid of, it is something that we should embrace.

Take the time to read these ten pages, and make the choice yourself. You are here because you want to change. I am sharing this with you to help you move toward that change that you want to see.

Click HERE to read the first ten pages of Jillian Michaels' book Unlimited. In stores and online April 5, 2011.

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