DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tired of Flabby Legs?

Okay, I know, we all worry about the leg wiggles. Nobody likes them. Whether your legs are wiggling on the inner thighs, or right around the hips, it's not pretty, and we want to do something about it! Well, here's your chance!

These exercises can be done with or without the resistance band. Of course, adding resistance puts a little more muscle into the workout and will help to show a quicker improvement. And, as with all leg exercises, remember...WHAT YOU DO TO ONE LEG YOU MUST DO THE SAME TO THE OTHER LEG! If you don't, the end results will scare you!

Inner Thigh Workout

Lay on your back, knees bent, and arms to your sides, palm down. Start with your knees together. Keeping your feet flat on the ground, spread your knees apart 12-18 inches, and return to the start position. When using a resistance band, wrap the band around your thighs, approximately 2-3 inches above the knees, and tie the band ends together. Wrap the band tight enough to give you good resistance, but not so tight that it is virtually impossible to spread your legs.

For starters, time yourself doing this exercise. Do the exercise for 2 minutes, rest for 1 minute, and repeat for another 2 minutes. After a week of this, you'll feel and SEE the difference!

Upper Thigh/Hip Workout

Start by laying on your right side, propping yourself up on your right arm. Bring your left arm around the front of your body, and place your hand, palm down, in front of your chest. Lift your left leg in the air 12-18 inches and return to the starting position. Continue in this same manner for the duration of this exercise. When using the resistance band, wrap the band around your ankles and tie it so the band provides resistance. Wrap the band tight enough that there is good resistance, but loose enough that you are able to raise your leg high enough in the air.

Start by doing this exercise for two minutes on each side.

There you go! A couple more exercises to help you get the defined body that you want!


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