I am sure that you have heard of Feng Shui, the art of decorating your home, office, workspace, etc. to produce a happier, healthier, wealthier YOU. Well, now we are taking it a step further. Beyond all of the use of positive colors and better room layouts. We are taking it to where our food spends most of its time.
The Kitchen.
In an article in May's Woman's World, they explained just how to make this happen. In feng shui, the kitchen represents family togetherness (since it's considered the heart of the home), health and prosperity. And placing a big bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen table is said to create harmony and success - oranges, in particular, are seen as bringing good luck!
According to research, the sight of fruit makes people more likely to eat healthy and skip junk food. And in another study, it was found that eating healthy as a family is the strongest predictor of a child's academic achievement, self-esteem and even future success! Bonus: Nutrients in fruit - like vitamin C and folic acid - improve energy, mood, mental functioning and even our response to stress.
So the lesson here? Go to the store at the beginning of the week and place fruit in a medium or large bowl in the middle of the table, or somewhere it will be seen frequently, and subconsciously you will find yourself craving what is in sight. Pretty neat trick, right?
Give it a try this week.
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