DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Unlimited Challenge - Week 1

So you've bought your book (and if you haven't, you can go HERE to get it!), and you're ready to make some changes to your life. For once, I'm not talking about losing weight or eating healthy. Although it is more than okay to have those as the things you would like to focus on for this challenge, it isn't necessary.

For this 6 week challenge, we will be looking inward at your deepest, darkest desires of the heart. What do you really want from life? Many of us focus so much on having that ideal body, that we forget about other aspects of living. So that is our focus for this week. Here is an excerpt from Jillian about this week's challenge:

"Welcome to the Unlimited "Write Your New Story" Challenge! Like all big journeys in life, it all starts with a single step. congrats on taking that step by getting Unlimites, joining this bookclub, and participating in this challenge. The first step of the book is "Imagine" and that's your first assignment. I want you to start deciding what you want out of life. We all have dreams for a reason. Have you tuned some of those so-called "impractical" dreams out? It's time to start listening in. So grab some paper and some colorful markers (Hey, why not make this fun?) and open the book up to Chapter One: Identify Your Passion. If you've already gotten a head start on the book, --GREAT! Since we never stop learning and growing, you can always revisit chapters to see if you've shifted focus or taken on some new passions. Take notes as you go through the different sections, highlight, dog-ear pages--whatever you need to do--and when you reach the end of the chapter, check out the Working It Out Workbook: Discover Who You Are. In short, I want you to focus on dreaming this week. And not just daydreaming (although that's a lot of fun and VERY helpful)...real, honest-to-goodness, if-money-wasn't-an-issue dreaming about what you want to be when you grow up."

Now if that didn't gear you up, I'm just not sure what will! When you're ready for the workbook, head on over to the Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous page on Facebook, and check out the Notes.

This is going to be a FANTABULOUS 6 weeks! I cannot wait to get started! I am glad you are along for the ride, and I hope you get a lot out of this challenge. I look forward to reading about your progress, and what you learn about yourself! And should you need any more encouragement leading in to this week, here's a song to help you along....


Good Luck this week!

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