You've tried many diets in the past, right? You start off strong and then you plateau, right? This is a common effect when your body starts to understand what it is that you are trying to do to it. When you stick to a diet for a long period of time, your body starts off not really knowing what is going on, so it with the more mini meals that you try to eat (a common trait of diets), the quicker your body catches on and knows when it will get its next meal. As soon as your body catches on, it knows just how much it needs to work to get to that next meal that you will provide. This is where the plateauing starts. If your body knows that it only has to work hard enough to last you a couple of hours, guess where all that leftover energy and fat is going from the meal you just ate? YEP! That's right! To the hips!
So in an effort to help boost our metabolism, here's a small trick to try, provided by the October 26, 2009 issue of First For Women magazine.
Drink 6 oz. of water mixed with the juice of half a lemon or lime two or three times daily. And add a little rind and pith (the white spongy tissue) to each cup. The fruit's nomilin (which is in the juice but is super concentrated in the rind and pith) ups liver-cell turnover so the organ is better able to burn fat. Nomilin also boosts activity of the liver's detoxifying enzyme glutathion S-transferase and increases output of fat-dissolving bile. After two weeks (the minimum time the liver needs to recover) of drinking the mixture, the weight will fall off at a faster rate - up to 6 pounds a week. Then you can reduce your citrus-water dose to one glass daily, preferably in the morning to get the liver primed to burn fat all day.
I do not pass on things that I do not try myself. In this instance, because I don't particularly care for lemon or lime in my water, I had my husband try it. He had reached the plateauing stage with his diet. Instead of the fresh lemon or lime, he actually added about 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice to 6 oz. of water. Within the first week, he started dropping weight again like he had in the beginning of his diet. After the first week of drinking this concoction, he lost 7 lbs!!!!
So I have seen this work! My husband continues to drink this mix at least once a day, and he continues to keep his weightloss moving in the downward direction. Give it a try for at least two weeks, and see how your body takes it. I know you will see rapid results. Of course, what will help you the most is to continue to get your exercise and to continue to watch what you are eating.
Well? What are you waiting for? Go mix yourself a glass of lemon/lime water and get started with your day! :)
Good luck!
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