DISCLAIMER: The information found on this blog is merely a suggestion for a healthy diet and healthier way of living. It is by no means a replacement for physician's recommendations and/or specific instructions provided to you by your physician. The authors of this blog will not be held accountable for your choices.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Walk Yourself Healthy! Join Me!!

Inspired by some activities where I am living, I devised this plan to "walk" myself to a better me. I threw in a little fun, but kept things simple. After all, the more complex you make something, the less likely you are to finish the task at hand. So here it is. My Walk Yourself Healthy Challenge!

The plan is plain and simple. By doing certain things throughout your day, you earn miles in your walk. While there are exercising activities listed on the chart, there are also other healthy choices that you can make throughout the day to help you get where you're going. You don't have to do them all! If something on the list is not something you want to do (some people don't like to count calories or log their meals), then don't do it! It's as simple as that! These are just many things that have helped me tame my portions and get on track to a healthier lifestyle.

There are a couple of things on the list that can be duplicated, and, therefore, earn you more miles. For example, if you take 8,000 steps in a day, you then earn 4 miles. Same thing goes for drinking additional glasses of water, and 30 minutes of exercising. All other items on the list can only be counted once in a day.

Here's the plan, and how to work it for you!

1. Choose your destination. It can be a place you would love to travel to, a place you have been and would love to visit again, a place across the US where a friend or family member lives. You don't have to travel around the world for your first go round! You can start off with somewhere that is a few hundred miles away instead of a few thousand. The key is to choose a destination, and keep it!

2. Go to maps.google.com, input your starting place and your ending place to see the number of miles it takes to get to your destination. Round the number up to make a rounded number (i.e., 264.23 becomes 265). This is your ONE WAY magic number. Since you will need to get yourself home, too, multiply this number by 2, and you get your ROUNDTRIP number. The roundtrip number is your goal mileage. Decide how many days you want to have to make your trip. Divide your roundtrip number by this number to find out your recommended daily mileage. Note: This number is just a recommendation! You can go over on some days and under on others, the whole point is to reach your destination and make it home safely. :)

3. Post your mileage somewhere where you can see it and keep track of it daily. I have a dry erase board on my fridge. Here's what I have written on it:

Miles to My Destination:
Days to Reach My Destination and Come Home:
My Miles So Far:
Miles To Go:

It seems a little daunting at first, but as the numbers go up, you'll be motivated to keep at it!

4. Hop to it!! Below is the list of what earns miles. You're on the honor system here. Fudging your numbers has no effect on anyone else but you. So don't cheat yourself! Work hard to get to your goal. You will be surprised with what you are capable of!

I look forward to hearing all your success stories throughout your walk. Visit the Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous Facebook page, and share your stories with others. I will be posting some tips, tricks, and healthy recipes for you to use along the way. Check back frequently, request healthy alternatives for your favorites, or just vent. I wish you all the best of luck with your walk! If you need help, or think something would make a great addition to the list to earn mileage for, let me know!!